Saturday, July 2, 2011

The transformation of Teddy

A worried shepherd look
There's a bit of mystery and magic involved with a dog's adoption, in addition to all the time, work, gas, and cash involved.  When all of that is done and in place, the magic takes over.  And so it was for Teddy today.  In a few short hours he went from being a horse farm cast off to a cherished family member and a little girl's best friend.  He went from Virginia to Delaware, and he also went from being Teddy to "Trace."  That's a lot of change for one day, especially when he didn't know it was coming.

Daisy, happy and confident

I woke up about 5:30 and before 6:30 a.m. I had fed all the fosters and loaded an unsuspecting but cooperative Teddy into the van for the trip of a lifetime.  We drove up near Quantico and located a very nice county park just off of Rt. 1.  It was a great meeting place--few people, lots of trails and woods, and a bathroom--everything you need for a dog meeting after a long drive.  Teddy's adopter drove down from Delaware to meet us and brought along Daisy.  Daisy is a sweet girl but she's a cattle dog and clearly wasn't going to take any shit from Teddy.  Still, it took them only a few minutes to get comfortable with each other. 

Teddy on his way to a new life

We spent maybe half an hour walking, talking, sniffing, and generally getting acquainted.  The dogs were fine.  Cattle dogs are impressive.  That's a lot of dog in a compact package.  Very quick, very smart.

Teddy hopped right into the van to head to Delaware.  He was more relaxed once the meeting was over and he seemed to know that he was to go with them.   

I received an email from them this evening.  Teddy, now Trace, made friends with the daughter, spent the day playing ball, and amazed everyone with his energy.  Daisy was sharing her toys with him and seemed to enjoy having the big clumsy guy around. 


Carolyn said...

I love happy endings!!

BudsBuddy said...

A cattle dog and a GSD: They should be able to keep each other busy! Best wishes to all. Plus, happy belated birthday to Brent!