Saturday, August 10, 2013

Lazy days of summer?

Maddie is settling in.
I still need to keep the leash on her outdoors in
order to get a hold of her when it's time to come in.
I've been busy around here.  Just home maintenance stuff mostly, and work, but it makes me wonder how I ever had time for all the dog business.  Then I realize that I didn't.  A lot of other things got neglected or deferred.  I still believe that saving a dog is more important than mowing grass, but it was time to bring back a little balance.  Anyway, dogs are still in the center of everything around here and I'm getting concerned about leaving them for our trip to NYC at the end of next week.  Here's a few pics from the last couple of days taken in between everything else.

Maddie has been exploring Playstation K9. She
hangs out in a dusty hole under one of the A-frames.

Maddie and Horse.  The food bowl in the center is where
Maya eats.  Trooper eats up top.  Maddie eats on the ground
level platform.  Horse eats on a raised feeder in the shed.
This platform was one of my best ideas.  Actually it was several of them combined.

Sparky running in the pasture in the evening.  I
can't believe I'm still mowing this much in August.

Sparky runs and then cools off in the water.

Cold, fresh water feels and tastes good.

This is a fuzzy picture because I just stepped out my door and snapped it before anyone moved.
It shows four dogs, or three dogs and a horse, on the top level of Playstation K9.
Trooper always had this place to himself, and he generally still does, but he shares nicely.
This was the first time I've seen Horse and Maddie up there.

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