Thursday, October 31, 2013

More run time

Chloe has lost enough weight that she's
pretty fast now, at least for short spurts.
Franklin is very independent.  The other six
stayed with me pretty well, he did his own thing
but would check in occasionally.  He didn't come
back to the dog  yard with the others though and
I found he had gone over the fence for a little
unauthorized walkabout.
Nothing new here, just another romp through the pasture.  It makes such a difference for those dogs who get out to run.  They are quiet in the evenings and even the next day as long as we do it regularly.  I'd like to get back to the hiking trails, but right now I've got too many dogs who need exercise to take just one or two dogs out for a hike.  I've been walking in the pasture while they run.  Today was a good group of seven:  Vince, Anna, Franklin, Chloe, Max, Ochie, and Toquima, who came back this morning to spend a week with us.  I didn't bring Maya out because she jumps over the fence and would have taken Franklin with her.  Maya and Trooper joined us back in the dog yard later.
Anna in front, and Vince, partially airborne.

Vince being trailed by Franklin
Franklin kicking up his heels.

Toquima met the new fosters,
said hello to the old ones, and
made himself right at home.

Franklin, Max, Toquima

We went down to the brush pile and I found
sticks for Max and Ochie to run after and carry.

Trooper in repose

Max was better with a stick in his mouth.  It seemed to prevent some of his neurotic
tail chasing by giving him something else to focus on.

Six dogs on Playstation K9
Ground level, left to right:  Max (at rear, barely visble), Toquima (front left) and Ochie
Mid-level:  Franklin, Maya, and Trooper
Fewer dogs but a better picture.
Franklin, Trooper, Maya, and Ochie


Risa said...

I hope that Franklin returned safely. He's too independent outside and riddled with separation anxiety inside. Not a good combination, poor guy.

Brent said...

Franklin wasn't gone for long. He's back home, safe and sound.