Saturday, June 27, 2020

An early birthday gift for Daisy

As I was going through Daisy's paperwork today I saw something that gave her date of birth as July 4, 2019. That was probably an arbitrarily chosen date, but it's close because she's about a year old. And she was adopted today, giving her a wonderful home as an early birthday present.

If you've never had or known a rottweiler, you're missing out on something special. I just love them. We haven't had any rottweiler genes around here since Sparky died and it's been much longer since we had a pure bred rottie here, even as a foster. They can be hard to place except to someone who has already had one so most of my rottweiler adoptions tend to be to repeat adopters. And so it was with Daisy, who went to the home of former fosters Stoney and Daphne.

When you lose a rottweiler it leaves a really big hole in your heart and home, which is best filled by another rottweiler. They are very devoted, and they have big personalities.

Our first rottie was named Jack and he taught us a game we called Rottweiler Ball. It's played with a hard plastic ball, impossible to puncture or to grab. The rottweiler pushes it around with the head and front paws. A bowling ball will also work. The human's role in the game is just as spectator, but it's still an important part of the game. No one around here has really played with Jack's ball since he's been gone and that's been many years now. I adopted the ball along with Daisy today and she seemed to like it. That made me very happy.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Congratulations to you, Clay, your pack and Daisy!!! I'm so happy for you all!