Tuesday, June 2, 2020

T-Minus one Trooper and counting

Debbie (Promises) came to visit today. She brought a ton of donated supplies, toys, food, and everything imaginable really. She also brought along another Promises volunteer and her children, who met Bruno and the Troopers. And she took the female Trooper to a new foster home.

That's what I wanted for those four. They need one-on-one attention, in a home, and I obviously couldn't bring them into my house that already has seven dogs. I hope we can find more fosters for the other Troopers and for Bruno, or at least some of them. It will help with their transition into a permanent home because these pups have had zero experience living in a home, other than a shit-filled room in someone's basement.

This was the first time we've had visitors since Bruno and the Troopers arrived. Bruno was friendly and sociable with everyone, which I expected but was still glad to see. The pups were rather scared of the new people. They had probably never met children. But the kids were good and kept trying to make friends and they had pretty good success for the most part. It underlined the lack of life experiences that these pups have had for their first six months of life, however. They have a lot of catching up to do.

On the other end of Daneland, Mother Luna is beginning to accept me. I can go into the shed while she's in there with the puppies now. I haven't touched her yet, but I think she's wanting to make contact. We are making good progress I think considering that she's a mother with new born pups who didn't know me at all until a few days ago. I spent a few hours out there with her this afternoon organizing all the supplies that Debbie brought and she seemed happy to have the company.

Postscript: 9:45 p.m. I just went outside to close the shed and give Luna her fourth and final meal of the day. I went into the shed with her and the pups, adjusted the fans, turned off the air conditioners, and gave her some food. She got up, moved towards me, and then laid down on the floor, clearly wanting some contact. I crouched down next to her and touched her nose, her head, and scratched the top of her head and behind her ears. We were both really needing this tonight.

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