Monday, January 11, 2021

Horse Play on a Sunny Day

I took these pictures on Sunday. We didn't have any blue sky today. They were all taken within a short period of time. I should have just taken a video. 

This evening I saw Chase make play overtures to Della. She just ignored him with a look of distain, as if to say, "Why should I play with you? I have Serena." Della and Serena play very well together. As rough as it looks and sometimes sounds, they've never hurt one another while playing. Della did tear a bit of Serena's skin one time, but that was back when the puppies were in Daneland and Della didn't want Serena (or any dog) going anywhere near them. Other dogs had to stay at least 20' away from the fence when the puppies were out there, and they did. 

I've seen Serena play with some of the other fosters indoors, but when they are outside they play with each other pretty exclusively. I have seen Della run with some other dogs, but the full body contact play is reserved for Serena. 

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