Saturday, September 25, 2021

Lexie gets adopted

It seems like it's been quite a while since I had a non-puppy adoption post to write. But today was Lexie's turn to find a new life and I'm very happy for her. 

Lexie came to us with a litter of pups. Her former owners had just abandoned her and her puppies. People like that are nothing but pure unadulterated trash. Her pups were really cute and they all got adopted easily. We didn't have much interest in Lexie, but I really didn't mind. She was a great dog, she fit in here very well, and she managed Hugo. She was really a very easy foster and I could have seen myself keeping her if the role of farm dog wasn't already filled by a jealous Great Dane around here. 

I knew that she'd sell herself to any prospective adopter who met her and she did just that today. She's got two small human children to raise in her new home and I expect she will be just what the parents need. She said goodbye to me and then walked happily and confidently with the adopter and hopped in his truck for the ride home. Lexie is smart and she's an adaptable girl. I expect that her varied life experiences, including her experience here, will serve her well in her new home. I'm happy for her. 

I've been flailing and largely failing in my role as lactation consultant here today, but I think things are maybe getting on the right track this evening. The bottles I was using had a nipple the size of those on Allison and I think that was a lot of Sojourner's problem because her mouth is so small. I tried a large syringe with a very small "mouthpiece," but that resulted in a high pressure squirt into her mouth and caused a lot of choking, gagging, and general mess. I finally tried a much smaller 3 ml syringe that she can actually fit into her mouth and suck on. I need to refill it many times to get the full amount into her, but that's easy enough and most importantly, it resulted in getting much more of the formula in her rather than on her. 

I went back out after feeding and found Allison with all the pups arranged between her legs.
Most of them are on their backs for easy cleaning. This girl is a pro. I just wish
she had varying sized nipples, one of which was just right for Sojourner.

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