Saturday, September 4, 2021

Loving this weather

The dogs are loving this weather as much as I am. We've been getting in more pasture time in the past few days than we had in the past few weeks. It's particularly good for the new shepherds and their weight loss program. 

Hugo is loving every minute of it. He and Lexie are together in Daneland during the days and they play together, but Hugo really wants to retrieve and for that he needs me. He gets most of my attention when we are in the pasture but the other dogs don't really need me. They can either follow along or go off on their own. 

Della and Serena do their Dane thing, which amounts to looting and pillaging through the trees and brush, generally terrorizing the rabbit population or any other small animals. 

Max has always followed his own drummer, but he sticks around with us most of the time. 

Melly hangs with Hugo and me, continuing to show some interest in retrieving. She doesn't stand a chance of getting the disc, but she found one of the smaller red jolly balls and enjoyed carrying that around.

Rufus is all up in Lexie's business, following her around like an old man embarrassing himself running after a woman less than half his age. She doesn't care, maybe she finds it amusing, maybe she just enjoys the attention, but with all the exercise he's getting trying to keep up with her, he's going to drop his excess weight fast.

I got the puppy shed cleaned up today and made a trip to the dump disposing of the torn up flooring, the last of the pee pads, assorted other trashed leftovers from the puppies, as well as regular household garbage. 

Lexie covers a lot of ground. She's still new to the pasture runs and spends a
lot of time exploring the space but she comes around pretty regularly to check in.

Wherever Lexie is, Rufus is generally behind her, how far behind depends
on how fast Lexie is running.

I tossed or kicked this small ball and Melly ran for it and carried it around.

Rufus with his beloved disc, followed by Melly with her ball.

I actually think I can see some weight loss on Rufus already.

Three dogs close together, but focused on three different things.
That's not unusual.

Lexie running by Melly, with Rufus in tow.

Max, Della, with Hugo behind in the shade.

I've admitted to having tail envy many times. 
This is Hugo's tail and it's quite lovely.

Hugo drops the disc in front of me and immediately takes off running
with the hope and belief that I will throw it for him such that it drops down in front of his nose.
I'm not that good, although I am getting better and have made that happen on occasion.
The thing is, Hugo is really good at catching even bad throws, IF he looks and sees where it's going.

Here's everyone except the two Danes in one picture.

I guess Hugo was planning to leave his disc there for a minute,
so he made sure to mark it as his before taking off.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

"following her around like an old man embarrassing himself running after a woman less than half his age"- I just about spit out my coffee reading this! I can't thank you enough for the giggles as I really needed some this morning!!