Sunday, October 30, 2022

Cleanup in Candyland

The Halloween candy family of pups have been living in just half of Daneland because Paisley and Kinley were using the other half during the day. But Kinley has been inside since she was spayed last week and I stopped putting Paisley outdoors during the day because it became difficult to get her in at night. The side that the puppies have been on had become difficult to keep clean because of all the leaves and sticks on the ground. 

Today I opened the divider and gave the puppies and their parents the full space. I raked up most of the area they had been using to make it easier to scoop poop. I also cleaned up a lot of limbs from the birch trees that had come down in last winter's snow and ice storm. I swept out the shed and washed all the blankets, which they had dragged outside into the dirt. I think I'm going to keep the door closed on the shed from now on to retain heat and keep them from dragging the blankets outside. They will have to learn to use the doggie door if they want in and out during the day. 

Spending time with them was the primary benefit of the day. Even Twizzler is coming around me quite readily now, seeking out touch and attention. At this point KitKat is the only holdout and he's becoming more approachable at least, but he still tends to keep his distance. I reunited Twix (the doggie daddy) with the group today was well. He had been inside since being neutered last week. Two more of them have surgery on Tuesday.

That's Pixie with the ball, Twizzler in the rear and KitKat in the middle.

Turtle and momma Reese

They enjoyed playing in the new open space.

Reese and Twizzler

This is Twix, the doggie daddy. They were glad when he rejoined them today.



Twizzler coming up for some attention.

Twizzler and Turtle

Pixie and Twizzler

Action shots

I'm very happy to see Twizzler coming around like this.
KitKat can't be far behind.

That's Turtle in the back, Pixie on the left, and Twizzler on the right.

Here's a couple of videos of other dogs playing while I was inside Daneland with the pups. It's mainly Kinley (Saint Bernard), Reyna (white German Shepherd) and little Elvis. Della breaks it up at the end of the second video.

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