Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween hike with Paisley

It's been looking like rain for more of the day than it's actually been raining. Still, it was wet enough to put off most of the dogs from wanting a lot of outdoor time. Della seems to believe that she's so sweet that she'll be in danger of melting if she goes out in the rain. They've all been pretty content indoors all day, but I was bored and needing to stretch my legs. I wasn't up for a training walk with one of the pups, I just wanted a nice walk. The most eager and willing volunteer was Paisley. Besides, she had been rolling in something nasty, so I figured it wouldn't hurt if she got wet, maybe some of it would wash off.

We ended up going three miles and it really only sprinkled on us for the last mile or so. It was good bonding time with Paisley. I practiced touching her as we walked. She's fine with me at least 85% of the time, but acts like a freak for that other 15%. I think she's the new Max. I can't fix her, but we can learn to live with her and her demons. 

Most of the wildflowers are done, but there's still plenty of color.

The sumac seemed particularly bright and colorful against all the muted earth tones.

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