Thursday, July 20, 2023

Millie, Legend, and Candace

I've been needing and wanting to get back to my morning walks. Fricking Elvis had Clay up in the middle of the night wanting to go out and then got me up again about 5:30 this morning wanting the same. I put him out and went back to bed but Della had me up by 6:00 anyway. I was up plenty early for a morning hike. Della was wanting to go, but I needed to take Millie because she hadn't been before and I didn't want to take two Danes on a first hike. 

Millie was probably the best dog I've walked, especially on a first walk. She was right beside me the entire time, not pulling me from in front or out to the side, or lagging behind and making me pull her. The park was pretty quiet at 7:00 a.m., but there were a few other people and other dogs around and Millie didn't react badly to any of them. But as good as she was walking, she was equally terrible about the loading and unloading process.

She clearly did not want to leave. She's very happy here and maybe she was afraid I was taking her back to the shelter. Or maybe her prior owners had loaded her up one day and then dumped her off somewhere (she had been found as a stray). Whatever it was, she did NOT want to get into the van. I'm glad that I had put her into a crate because she was just as bad about getting out when we got to the park. Or maybe it was the opposite. She didn't refuse to get out, she bolted out and was very much at risk of getting away. I was able to grab her leash as she shot past me, but I should have left the end of the leash outside the crate so I could grab it before opening the door of the crate. I did so on the way home.

Aside from getting into and out of the van, she was absolutely wonderful on the walk. She had me so flustered in the loading process that I went off without my phone so I didn't get any pictures. When we got back home I let Della out for some Danish girl playtime with Millie. Millie plays with the bloodhound, Sherlock, but she had never really played with Della. It was a pretty good first play session and I was glad to see Della interested in the play.

Legend didn't really get a properly photographed send off, but he was adopted Wednesday evening. We had met the potential adopters at Green Dogs on Sunday and again at their house on Tuesday. They are former adopters (they have the puppy formerly known as Glaze - one of Lexie's pups), and they were very excited about Legend. He seems to be doing well in the new home from what I've heard.

I'm cautiously optimistic that Candace is going to accept us as her new home. She's fine with the other dogs and they are all being cautious and respectful around her, even Sherlock. She liked laying in the front room with Clay yesterday evening. I carried her upstairs last night to the big bed in the hallway outside our bedroom. Today she is getting up and walking out to the a/c yard on her own to do her business. She's eating very well (dry food with canned food and water added). I'm trying not to overload her system with food but she does have some diarrhea today. She's very considerate about it, however, and gets herself off her bed and off the wooden floor to use the tile floor that is much easier to clean. I'm not going to crate her while her digestive system is messed up, for obvious reasons, and after it settles down I don't think it will be necessary. It's weird to say that I'm happy to be cleaning up diarrhea, but I am today. I'm just glad she's back and I know we'll get over this. 

The puppies are devouring their food these days. I've increased the amount I'm giving them and could probably even go to four times a day feeding, if I have time. Tomorrow is vaccination day (no anti-vaxxers in this litter), as well as their first outdoor day.

And here's some garden pics, because I have so many of them this time of year.

The flamingo garden is just beginning to come into bloom,
but it already has the fullest foliage that I've had out there.

She can jump out of the dog yard, and she does,
 but she's made no effort to get out of the larger yard.

Candace is still figuring things out around here, but she's enjoying the food, water, and comfort. 

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