Saturday, July 15, 2023

There's a new girl in town - Millie

She came from a local shelter where she had been turned in as a found stray. She was very scared and shut down in the shelter, virtually unapproachable. She's still pretty scared but I think she's going to be fine. Actually I don't think she's scared anymore, she's just new and has a lot to learn. 

She is obviously more scared of people than she is of other dogs, but she's also very people-friendly and even seeks out attention and petting. She met all the dogs without any problem and that's quite a few dogs with varying personalities around here right now. She's skittish about fast movements coming from humans, particularly hand movements. She's been strictly indoors since she got here, dragging a six foot leash even in the house, and we've made only a few ventures out to the a/c yard with its six foot fence. She was skittish enough that I had to consider her a flight risk, but I hope we can downgrade that risk as she settles in and learns to trust us.

I was very pleased with the way all of our dogs greeted the newcomer, even the fosters. Sherlock can be a little overbearing in his excitement to meet a potential playmate, but he was cool. He has even backed off of Legend enough that Legend is beginning to enjoy hanging out with him. Legend has also been good meeting the new girl, the first foster since his own arrival just a couple of days ago. Della is always good with new fosters, but she did take a particular interest in this one because she is a fellow Dane. We are calling the new girl Millie.

In other news: I thought we had an adopter for Sherlock but they aren't prepared to adopt until after their vacation, which would be the first week of August. We'll keep looking. Sherlock just gets better by the day anyway. Legend is settling in nicely and it's time to get him posted. He's still very attached to me, but he does run around with Sherlock, he has cancelled his hunger strike, he's fine being crated, and he's just going about the business of settling in. Mom and the pups are fine. I've been working on cleaning up Daneland for the puppies' first outdoor experience after their first vaccines, which should be next Friday.

The garden grows, and glows. 

Millie with Paisley.

Millie meets Legend.

This is the first bloom my lotus flower has had this year.

This is a flowering plant in one of my water gardens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you are back to full capacity with all the fosters.
Good luck.