Monday, July 10, 2023

Delvis walks again

I have not been walking for over two months. I am not a fan of hot weather nor the insect population that infests the woods in the south in the summer so it was been hard to get back into it. Today, however, wasn't so miserably hot and humid, and the evening was actually pretty pleasant. I loaded up Della and Elvis and we headed off to Pleasant Grove. We just did the two mile walk on the roadway because I didn't want to spray myself down with bug spray to keep off the ticks, and the downpour we had yesterday has the trails pretty muddy anyway. It was a nice easy walk and a good introduction back to the routine, I hope. 

The dogs loved it. They were visibly excited and happy to be out walking again. It was 7:30 by the time we started so the park was pretty much empty, only one baseball game going on and we didn't pass anyone else walking. They've improved the gravel road up there since we last walked that route too. The place was full of bunnies so the dogs enjoyed that but they behaved on leash and didn't try to run after them. Della and Elvis may look like an odd couple, but they walk very well together and both make good walking companions.

I need to start going out in the mornings. Della gets me up plenty early, although she does like to go back to bed after breakfast. I can't go back to bed but I don't do anything very productive for the next couple of hours so I should start going out for a walk. We will see.

A giant fairy ring at Pleasant Grove.

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