Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Pasture run with the new guy

Arlo is fitting in pretty well around here. He's a good and entertaining companion for Bailey, and she is for him as well. It was another nice day here and they spent most of it outside in Daneland. I brought them in before leaving for an afternoon appointment but when I got home we all went out to the pasture for some exercise.

Arlo running, ears flapping

Bailey in the tall grass.
Look at the beautiful curve formed by her back and her tail.

They have their heads buried in the grass, but this is a good picture showing the color comparison between Arlo (left) and Della (right).

Arlo running up the hill. 

Della, with Bailey hidden in the grass behind.

Front to back, going downhill: Maya, Della, Arlo, and Bailey

Arlo and Elvis at the brush pile.

He seems pretty happy most of the time.

Della, because she's stunning.

My little girl Maya

Arlo has more of a goofy personality, versus Della's more stately style.

Bailey was all about the hunt out there today but she never really stayed focused in one place long enough be effective at it. She also wanted to run.

You can see the injury on the tip of Maya's tail, courtesy of Paisley I think. 

This is Bailey, front feet off the ground, in mid pounce, her signature hunting move.

Della did engage him in one brief run out there today.
I'll have to take just the two of them out there together to really get it going.

Arlo and Elvis

Maya needs a good brushing, daily.

You really see the black points (feet, tail, ears, and nose) typical of Malinois in this picture of Bailey.
Also, notice that both ears are up because she's fully engaged.

Arlo pulled a hunger strike on us the first day he was here. He ate better today but it was clear that he's an only dog in his home and feels free to walk away from his food in the belief that it will be there later. I fed him in the dog yard today by himself, but Della was on the other side of the fence and noticed when he walked away without finishing his food. She jumped into the dog yard and proceeded to help herself. I chased her off and then Arlo came over and finished up what was left in his bowl. By tomorrow I expect he will realize that he needs to eat food when it's offered and finish it before someone else comes along.

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