Sunday, February 4, 2024


I saw something recently that said that we are passed the 12 darkest weeks of the year, being the six weeks before and after the winter solstice. Although we are still firmly ensconced in winter, or the mud season as it's known around here, this weekend felt like the coming season of pre-spring. I marked the occasion with a pre-spring garden project, putting together a cold frame.

Two years ago I waited too long buying plants and had trouble finding enough cannas in the garden centers. After spending too much money on them that year, last year I bought bulbs and decided to grow my own, but I started too late and I felt like they were behind where they should have been throughout most of the spring and early summer. This year I want to grow my own once again, but I am determined to get an earlier start and for that I decided that I needed a cold frame. Used storm windows would be ideal, but they don't seem to exist in this part of the country. I looked at some used doors and windows, but ultimately landed on a cold frame in a box that I ordered from Tractor Supply. It arrived last week when I was too busy so I set it aside for the weekend.

Saturday was assembly day. It had no real instructions, much less a video to demonstrative the assembly process, and afterwards I realized that any such video would have been heavily laden with profanity. It's not a bad design but there are zero tolerances for how and in what order pieces must be put together. It requires a perfect clear and level place for the assembly proc
ess. I did not have one. 

It felt like it took all day, and it did occupy a good chunk of it, but it was a nice day and I needed the outdoor time with the dogs. I rotated dogs in the yard, dog yard, and pasture so everyone had a good amount of outdoor time.

I was amazed how much running around Candace did out in the pasture.
She followed me around the trails as I was riding the mower.

Cosmo (the Big Hairy Beast) is back with us for a few days.

It was sunny, but chilly, so Della found a spot in the sun to watch as I was working.

Norman had a great time in the pasture and he had some time together with Paisley.

Elvis had his staples removed Saturday morning. Thanks, Kevin.
I can put a collar back on him now but I haven't yet.

Maya enjoyed the pasture time too.
Fortunately, she and Elvis did not go into hunting mode.

Paisley looks better from this angle because she has rubbed her nose raw once again.
Is there a term (and treatment) for self-harm in canines?

Oakley's muscle tone has improved but she's still not gaining weight like she should.
I've de-wormed her again, including a tape worm medicine this time too.

Paige has some interest from potential adopters now.

I hated not letting Bailey out yesterday, but she slipped out the door on me Friday morning and was over the fence in a flash to run off some deer into the woods. She was back in less than five minutes due to a severe case of fomo (fear of missing  out). She's a/c yard and leash walk only for now but I'm looking into a Halo collar for her. We took her out Saturday evening to make it up to her and I'm taking her on a hike Sunday morning.

Here's the above ground portion of my cold frame. I need to dig the hole for it today.

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