Friday, February 9, 2024

Worthy companion

Della has always been very selective about her dog friends. As long as Serena was around, she didn't need another friend. Serena perfectly and fulfilled Della's need for a friend. They slept together and played together; their play styles were complementary. Della hasn't really had a dog friend since Serena died. She has played with the occasional foster or visitor, usually another Dane. I've always been hoping that she would find another playmate and maybe she has.

My last blog post showed Della and Bailey walking together and even sharing a crate. Yesterday I caught them playing together and it was nice to see.

Della putting her paw on Bailey's back is her way of initiating play.

Bailey's ability and willingness to go vertical makes her an almost Dane-size companion.

This picture is a big blur, but that is Bailey.
Her height, speed, and agility makes her a worthy companion for Della.

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