Friday, February 2, 2024

I'm back

 I haven't really been away this week but it has felt like I have been. I've been going into town to work everyday, leaving by 8:00 a.m., just like regular working folks. No one around here is a fan of that, but fortunately it was just temporary and I still work from home for the most part. 

I will still have to go to town occasionally, but not four days in a row like I did this week. Clay picked up a lot of the dog duty, and even some of the household stuff, but ask any dog and they will tell you that they would still prefer to have me (or someone) around all day. No one got any walks or pasture time, including me. I still worked all day today and we didn't get out much, but at least I was here. These dogs are needier than I realized. They've come to expect having a full time person around to tend to their needs and they've let it be known that I've failed them terribly this week. 

I have some making up to do this weekend and it looks like the weather is going to cooperate. I have a pre-spring garden project to work on, and I certainly plan to get out for some walks, but mostly I think they are all relieved to have me back at my desk at home during the day.

Della and Bailey playing in the kitchen this evening as I was making dinner:

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