Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A few flowers, a few dogs

Not a lot going on, it's too hot for anything much to be happening. We are all just trying to lay low and get through it. I expect that hot, dry weather like this is why religion was invented  — people desperate to try anything to bring rain. Anyway, here's a few pictures of flowers and dogs I wanted to post before I lose them.

Have I shared this previously? I'm not sure. Better twice than not at all. Elvis was on the dog bed. Della wanted it but he refused to move so she moved in behind him, laid down, and used his butt as a pillow. He didn't mind at all but he wasn't going to give up the spot. 

The calla lilies are in bloom again.

I don't remember what this is called. I had a purple one last year. Tall plant, rose-like flowers.

This has filled out nicely. The marigolds alone would have been sufficient but it didn't seem that way when I first planted it.

Same flower as above, a little more open.

Bailey playing with the water. She has put teeth marks in the aluminum spray head.

Lantana, blooming nicely now.

I cut the calla lilies and took them to Berta this evening.

Overall, the gardens are looking good. There's a few things I'll do differently next year but that's a good thing. Just hope I remember when next year comes around.

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