Friday, June 28, 2024

Settling in

Maze has been here a couple days now and she's finally beginning to eat, although not all her food and not consistently. The first night she was here she had a lot of trouble settling down and none of us got a lot of sleep. I ended up taking her outside for a midnight run and after that she came in, found a bed, and went to sleep. 

Bette is settling in pretty well now too, especially since I mostly stopped trying to crate her and have extended bedroom access to her. I also put a dog bed back in Maya's spot under my desk and that is Bette's spot most of the time. When I'm outside without her or away she will hang out with Clay downstairs. She's learned to get along with all the other dogs now, which mostly was just a matter of realizing that they weren't going to hurt her. 

Mercy met some potential adopters the other day and I heard this evening that they submitted the contract and paid the adoption fee for her. I gave her a good brushing before they met her but they've had a shepherd before so they know what they are in for in terms of shedding. They are on vacation until next Friday but she should have a new home by next weekend. 

A few days with on a pain reliever seem to have done Della a lot of good. She seems pretty much back to normal, no more problems on the stairs and she is wanting some pasture time occasionally at least. The heat is still working to minimize the play between her and Maze and that's a good thing for now.

That tear of Paisley's skin is finally looking better, beginning to close up I guess, but I'm keeping her on the antibiotics for a while yet. 

I finally got someone out to bush hog the pasture at the beginning of this week. It really should have been done much earlier in the year but it was too wet in the early spring. I plan to let it grow again but I am going to go over it all with my mower at least once while it's still nice and dry. 


Bette coming through the garden.

I still don't remember what this is called but it has another bloom open and it sure is pretty.


My water lily is in bloom!

Elvis and Bette





Bailey and Mercy

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