Sunday, June 2, 2024

Plants and ponds

I've got some garden progress pictures that I need to get posted because they will soon be out of date. Things are growing and changing rapidly, with the exception of my caladiums which are very slow to sprout and unfurl their first leaves. Perhaps I'm watching them too closely. 

I haven't yet shared any pictures of my ponds. That's a work still in progress but I added a nice new one yesterday. I'm slowly working on reclaiming the area where they are located. It was a round bed planted with a few azaleas by the former owners. Most of the bushes had died and the bed was invaded by grass, weeds, and even some poison ivy. I've got five ponds installed now, three with pumps. Now I need water plants. 

There's a few random dog photos too, of course.

Sun-loving coleus is the best thing to come along in years.
So much color and so easy to grow.

I grew some cannas from bulbs in planted this year but these overwintered from last year and came up on their own.

I took this picture just a couple days ago.  These morning glory vines have now reached the top of the trellis. No blooms yet though.

This was the last set of pots I planted. The hostas are overwheming the containers right now, but things will grow.

This is the large black iron cauldron in the hosta bed pictured above. Those spouts in the center are from a very large elephant ear bulb that I started in my cold frame and then moved into here. I think this will be a massive plant later this summer.

This is in the round bed in the center of the driveway under the saucer magnolia tree that blooms in the very early spring. 

A magnolia blossom in the process of opening. This tree isn't particularly attractive, it needs some trimming, but the flowers are always nice.

This is where I first started planting this year and so it's further along than the other containers.

And now, some dogs.



Flamingo garden

Della and the flamingo garden

Elvis through the boxwoods

Paisley and Elvis


Saturday's pond project

Paisley and the not yet installed new pond.

There are now five ponds in this area, and there's still room for more, although I might be getting carried away. I think this is enough for now. I need to work on getting some plants established in them.

There's a beautiful day lily blooming in the center and there was yellow iris in bloom until just a few days ago. I want to get some ferns and other native plants growing in here too. Maybe some hostas.

Elvis in front of the ponds

Ford having a drink

Della, Ford, and Paisley lined up by height this morning after I did heartworm and flea/tick prevention for the month. 

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