Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer Solstice

The sun didn't set until 8:39 this evening so I didn't even start out on my Solstice walk until after 7:30. I took just Bailey because I thought it was too hot for anyone else. She and I had the park to ourselves. We saw more rabbits and deer than people. There were no soccer or baseball games happening. Maybe everyone knew it was too hot for that nonsense, or maybe they were all at their own Solstice celebrations. I thought about a bonfire, but it seemed silly in this heat. Bailey and I did a two mile walk and then went home and took other dogs out to the pasture for a Solstice run.

I haven't been out in the pasture myself in over a week. I've just been letting Norman and Mercy spend a few hours out there before and after dark, usually getting them back in about 10:00 p.m. so I can go to bed. Tonight, in addition to Norman and Mercy, I took Bailey, Elvis, Rocket, and Della. Everyone had a good run and I cleaned up some of the trails in the pasture with the mower. 

I was riding the mower, the dogs were running, and the light was fading fast, so most of my pictures are pretty blurry, but you can see that everyone was having a good time. The sun was down, the heat was tolerable, and a full moon was rising. That's a pretty good way to start summer. 

We saw at least half a dozen deer and an equal number of rabbits.

Bailey, Mercy, Elvis

Norman hung around much more than usual this evening.

It was Rocket's first real pasture run.

Mercy is blowing her coat. She needs brushing and a bath.

At first Rocket went off on his own, then he met up with the gang and realized it was more run to run with them.

Rocket and Della

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