Thursday, June 6, 2024

Hanging around

It's been cloudy, hot, and humid, not exactly weather that encourages outdoor exercise. I need to mow but one mower is in the shop and I fear the other one needs to go as well. But it's a work week anyway so my days are busy and we've had a couple of evening activities this week. Not much going on dog-wise, just hanging around.

Bailey at Decipher Brewing Tuesday evening.
She's still very suspicious of strangers but is easily won over with a treat.
I took a bag of them, most of which ended up in her stomach by the time we left.

Two dogs, one bed. 
Paisley usually chooses to share a bed with Elvis instead of using the empty one next to him. 

Ford has been trying to move into Maya's old spot at my feet under my desk.

One dog, two beds. 
Bailey stretching out.

Della is almost always on the bed in her crate next to my desk.
Elvis tries to take that bed sometimes and I have to make him move.

Elvis didn't leave any space for Paisley, forcing her to use the other bed.

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