Thursday, June 27, 2024

Double Dane Pride

We are nearing the end of Pride month and I haven't yet got Della out to show off her colors. She had one Pride outfit already and got a new one last Christmas, so she loaned it to Maze and both girls strutted their stuff for my camera this evening.

Both Della and Maze have strong ties to the LGBTQ+ community, so they are strong allies at least, and I'm inclined to think that Della has always not-so-secretly preferred the girls herself. Della was excited when I got out the outfits for them to wear. She knew what it meant and she gave me a lot of nice poses. Maze wasn't so sure, but if Della was going to wear one she was certainly going to do the same. Maze didn't give me quite as many good photo ops, but we got some good shots of both girls. 

Just yesterday was the anniversary of the 2015 Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which held that the 14th Amendment required all states to recognize marriage between same sex couples. Reversing that decision has been a prime goal of the GOP ever since it was issued, and thanks to Trump they now have the votes on the Supreme Court to make it happen. I have no doubt that they are looking for case to work its way through the court system just as they did to bring about the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Vote blue. 

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