Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Settling in

Both Bette and Rocket are settling in very nicely. Rocket is fine in the crate at night. Bette is too, but she'd prefer to not be crated. Both dogs are good indoors and are all good with the other dogs. Today I introduced Rocket to Daneland, or reintroduced him, he was there when he was a puppy. He met Norman and Mercy for the first time today and played out there with those two and with Bailey. He will be a dusty husky when he goes home and he may weigh a couple pounds less, but he should be tired and happy.

Rocket, Norman, and Mercy

I waited until 7:30 this evening before starting out on a walk. The sun was going down the temperature was finally down to the low 80s. I took two young dogs (sorry Della), and even with them we took it slow and easy.
Rocket and Bailey on the evening walk.

Bette is also settling in quite well. She has tried to engage in play with Elvis and Candace, neither of whom were interested. Her new-found confidence is nice to see but I think she and Bailey could have issues so I'm keeping those two separated still unless I'm around to monitor. Bette is here for a month so we have plenty of time to work things out slowly. She spent the evening sitting next to Clay's chair downstairs. 

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