Thursday, June 13, 2024

Variations on a theme

I've been getting out for morning walks this week because it's the only part of the day that is cool enough to take Della. It's still too warm in the evening, but mornings have been in the 60s this week that's perfect for her, and me as well. I've also been doing evening walks because Bailey needs the outing and I need the exercise. 

I've been walking the same two mile route on the roadway through the park because it's easy and I can avoid picking up ticks. Walking the same route twice a day seemed boring and unimaginative, however, so I introduced some variations to the route while sticking to trails that are either bare or well mowed without a lot of brush on the sides. The other, more significant, variation is which second dog gets to walk with Bailey.

Tuesday morning, Della and Bailey

They were wearing their harnesses rather than halters, so there were more sniff stops.

2.29 miles

Tuesday evening, just Bailey

Doing "up" on a small boulder.

Wearing halter and short lead, we were all business, just walking.

2.00 miles

Wednesday morning, Della and Bailey

2.45 miles

Wednesday evening, Bailey and Elvis

3.01 miles

Thursday morning, Della and Bailey

They were wearing halters today. I didn't have time for a lot of sniffing.

2.12 miles

Thursday evening, Bailey and Ford

I used rope harnesses on both of them and let them pull me to stretch out and exercise my back.

Back to the standard walk through the park, 2.05 miles.

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