Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Origin story - Bette

It drives me crazy when I can't remember a former foster's backstory. It's a function of time (over 24 years now), numbers (probably over 1,000 at this point), and probably my own age (66 in just a few weeks). One of the best things about blogging is that with a little searching I can usually find my first posts about a dog and use it to refresh my memory. 

It turns out Bette wasn't that far back, just the end of 2020. But she came in around the time of my mom's final illness and I was actually in Kansas when Bette first arrived here. She did come from The HOWS Project, and she had been liberated from the same home from which we had taken a white shepherd who had been spray painted blue. We called her Bessie when she first came here. Her prior name from her life living on a chain had been "Beastie." She was adopted to a couple who had adopted two shepherds from me in the past, making Bette their third. She couldn't have asked for a better home.

Bette is settling in around here. She's much more comfortable and confident today. She loves to be with someone constantly, and that means immediately next to them whenever possible. Clay worked from home today so she spent a lot of time sitting next to his chair in the front room. Our dogs are giving her space and I'm keeping Bailey occupied with the Daneland crew and the visiting husky, Rocket. 

Here are the key blog posts from Bette's past:

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