Sunday, June 2, 2024

Ticks and tall grass

It's the first of the month so everyone got their heartworm preventative today and another dose of flea and tick repellant. I really wish they made Frontline for humans. I did some puttering, inside and out, got a pump and fountain operating in another one of the ponds, but didn't do a whole lot else. I need to mow, but one of the mowers has a broken drive belt and the other one isn't running very well at the moment. We went to a Pride event in town in the afternoon, and did some grocery shopping on the way home. In the evening I took everyone out to the pasture for a while. I walked the trails with the dogs, but my legs are still tired and heavy feeling from the six miles I walked on Friday.


Mercy and Candace



Ford and Bailey (in mid-pounce)

Paisley and Ford



Norman followed by Bailey

Front to back: Ford, Norman, Bailey, and Mercy

Della and Bailey

I spotted this guy and got all the dogs headed off in another direction.

There's a bird nesting on one of the shelves in the shed. It flies out the window every time I go in. I assume there are eggs in the nest, I am leaving it alone.

Candace has a nice smile on her face.

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