Sunday, June 9, 2024

Weekend update

 Saturday morning walk, Della and Elvis.

These two like to share a sniff. Then one of them will pee on it and they move on.

Saturday afternoon I puttered and the dogs played.

Saturday evening I had all eight dogs out in the pasture. They ran, I walked.

Candace doesn't usually join us for pasture time but she wanted to this evening.

Ford also will usually forego pasture time. 
He enjoyed it but came back in with the first group.

Bailey loves it out there as long as I'm out there too.

Candace covered a lot of ground and was even running.

That white spot with the curved tail beyond Bailey is about all we ever see of Elvis.

Paisley usually stays in the yard but she came out to the pasture this evening with everyone else.

Bailey, Elvis, and Della

I don't see much of Norman if I'm on the mower because he hates the sound.
But I was walking and he showed up quite a bit, along with Mercy.

It was a beautiful evening.

Sunday morning walk with Della and Bailey. 

With a halter on Della rather than a harness she doesn't do nearly as much stopping to sniff. Also, Bailey is more interested in movement than scents. 

Sunday garden pictures, just a few. Things are looking pretty good.

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