Friday, December 29, 2017

One week

It was a week ago today, Friday, that Jackie had her surgery. I picked her up from the vet at 5:00 p.m. and then took her to the all night vet where she spent the night being monitored. I brought her home Saturday morning. Actually, what I brought home was a brand new dog, free of all the pain and misery she had endured for Dog knows how long.

I've been in rescue long enough to have seen a lot of dogs turn around, including many who looked far worse than Jackie. However, I don't know that I've seen many turn around from looking so pained and miserable to feeling so good and being so happy again. I'm still enjoying every minute with her and can't help but share her pictures. In another week the stitches will come out. Hopefully we'll have the lab results soon too. Even if next week were to be her last, I wouldn't regret anything that we did for her, only that it wasn't done sooner.

Sparky and Gigi were out in the
yard with Jackie when these pictures
were taken. 
Gigi's black fur may be short, but it soaks
up the sun and she likes a little outdoor
time on a sunny day. Then it's back to bed.

This is Jackie waiting for me to put her
food bowl down.
This is Jackie growing inpatient for me to
put her food bowl down.


Risa said...

This is why we do what we do. Happy for Jackie and may she have many happy days left.

Tanya2 said...
