Wednesday, October 10, 2018

October Pupdate

Recent pictures of former fosters.
This is Ryland. He was adopted out together with Gynger, in
a bit of a surprise two-fer adoption. Rye is an old hound dog mix
and his adopters recently did the DNA analysis to prove it.
It showed him to be half foxhound, one quarter chow,
and one quarter lab/hound mix. Who knew?

This girl's name is Gynger. She was adopted way back in 2011.
She's a beauty and her DNA test showed that she's 3/4 GSD
1/4 boxer on one side, and 1/2 GSD and 1/2 white swiss
shepherd and husky on the other. 

The shepherd on the left is Rocco, enjoying the day at a brewery
with friends. If my memory is right, Rocco was originally Simba.
He was taken from owners who had been keeping him outside
on the balcony of their high rise apartment in northern VA.
Here's another pic of Rocco. His life has
improved immeasurably since adoption.

This is Athena who now lives in Georgia. Her adopter was responsible for hooking me up with current fosters Clyde and Colin, who came from the area now getting hit by hurricane Michael.

This is Hunter, on his leather sofa. 
And this is Hunter's old pal, Indigo, who is
making great strides in confidence and independence.

This hot mess is Drogo and Diesel, roughing it.

The dog on top of this dog pile is former
foster Lenny, now known as Benny.

These folks believe that one Dane is never enough. I like
people like that. I am people like that. On the right is former
foster Legolas (Lego), Prince of the Woodland Realm.
Beautiful Bella who came to a recent
adoption event.


Byron's Mom said...

All these pupdates make my heart happy!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pup update. These always make my day!!! Everyone looks so happy in their forever homes. Thank you all you do!!
