Saturday, December 22, 2018

First Winter Walk

Saturday was the first full day of winter although it really didn't feel like it. It was a nice day, full of sun, and warm enough that I could still walk wearing shorts. I was wearing long sleeves and was kind of warm at first, but by the end of the hike the sun was getting low and I was wishing I was wearing more than one layer of clothing.

I think that Diesel's next weigh-in will show a
significant weight loss.

We met a woman one day who couldn't comprehend that
Serena was a girl because she had a blue collar. Serena
will not conform to outmoded gender stereotypes.

I never expected Serena to be like Gigi although they are
both Great Danes, but it's interesting to see how they are
similar and how they are different. Gigi was a natural
model and loved to pose for the camera. Serena is much
more outdoorsy, more interested in hunting, and isn't
interested in stopping for a photo opportunity.

Maya and Serena share an interest in hunting. Serena often strays from the
trail to follow a scent, and always if she sees or hears something.

My girls have perfect winter grassland camouflage. 

Diesel's weight loss plan is working better than my own.
My bond with Maya makes me wonder
if we knew each other in a past life.

This picture shows Diesel's weight loss pretty well. He used
to have so much fat on his chest that it would flop when he
ran. He's got short little basset legs so he's always going to
be low to the ground, but his belly doesn't hang down nearly
as far as it did when he first arrived.

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