Tuesday, December 11, 2018

More snow play

When you've got a husky and it snows, you've got to get him out in it. It's the law. So it was TJ's walk today, with Diesel and Maya tagging along.

That's the "happy husky" tail carriage on TJ.
TJ knew this was about him too. He was out front most of the time and he didn't slow down, even though we walked over three miles through the snow.

Some of the trails we walked today had virgin snow that we were the first to walk through. That's always fun; it's like being the first to dip into a new jar of peanut butter. There were a lot of deer tracks, of course, which resulted in a lot of dog noses burrowing into the snow.

The sun was shining and snow was dripping and falling from the trees as we walked, so we all got showered with it from time to time. It was beautiful when the melting snow fell through a shaft of light in the distance but I wasn't able to get a picture of that.

Although there were foot prints on some of the trails, we weren't bothered by other people out there today. That, along with the absence of ticks, spider webs, and other annoying insects, is the best thing about hiking in the winter.

Trails that we've been over many times look fresh, new, and unexplored when covered with a blanket of snow.

Diesel may have short legs, but he's an enthusiastic hiker
and he's beginning to shed the excess weight.

After the hike, I took the two Danes (Serena and Clyde) out to the pasture to run, along with Theo, Max, and Diesel. We hadn't been out there yet, so the snow was untouched, but that didn't last long.

Max with stick, being pursued by Clyde.

Theo wanted to play ball, of course, even in the snow.

Sweet Serena in the snow.

Max loves the snow and he's a great
trail dog in the snow. 

Clyde spent most of his time along the trees where there was
some open ground. I don't think he's a snow dog.

Max with stick, Serena catching some late day light.

Theo and Max
Max with stick

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