Monday, December 31, 2018

Indoor time

We went to bed at 7:00 p.m. Sunday night because there was
nothing better to do. We will be fast asleep (hopefully) long
before the new year arrives Monday night.
I don't know how much rain we got today. I don't even look at the rain gauge anymore. Whatever fell either ran off if it was able or is standing in puddles on the surface. Nothing soaked in. It was more than enough to bring back all the mud. Instead of a rain gauge, there needs to be a mud gauge. I sink about four inches into the ground with every step I take, that's a pretty good indicator of the level of mud.

Sparky doesn't go outside very often and when he does he
doesn't get muddy. I wish he'd share that secret with the shepherds.
Dogs have been stuck indoors and we are all bored. They would probably say that I'm a bit cranky. That would actually be a pretty generous assessment.

Angel has escaped her crate twice now so I gave
up on it. She's also broken through the gate at
the kitchen doorway. She is still uncertain about
things but she has decided she needs to be with
me at all times and at all costs.

We've gotten a couple of these big corner bolster beds at
Costco, but when I went today they were out of them.
Serena hurt her leg the other day, so a day or two of layabout
isn't a bad thing for her right now.
Maya sprawling up on the pillow next to me.

Mela really likes Angel, and Coco. She's trying
to figure out what to do with Serena.

TJ, sleeping husky

I did some cooking Monday evening, and shared
some kitchen time with the new shepherds.
That's Angel in back and Mela up front.

Mela tasting Serena, trying to determine what
she is. Serena is being really tolerant and good
with the puppy, even inviting her to play, but
Mela isn't quite sure about her yet.

Angel laying next to the gate she broken through earlier today.
I got a replacement at Lowe's because I need it to keep Theo,
Max, and Diesel in the kitchen at night. I won't try confining
Angel any more, although she happily laid in her crate next
to me in the office today while I was working. When I went
to town in the afternoon, I left her in the AC yard outside.

Mela picked the spot in the kitchen where she would be
most in my way. I had to move her from there twice.

That's Serena and Coco playing in the far rear
corner. Mela is observing.

Coco is accustomed to playing with large dogs now, so
playing with Mela has required some adjustment.

Angel has figured out that I'm the key to everything around here and she
wants to be with me all the time. She's not entirely comfortable with all
the dogs yet. She's a bit defensive still, but everyone is giving her time and space.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy new year to all the inhabitants of the VA Dog Rescue House!