Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I'm back, and in other news . . .

I'm back. I've done my time. I am back in the good graces of the Facebook Gods, at least for the moment. I have a low tolerance threshold for stupid people so I can't promise how long it will last. (I'm thinking I should get a prison tattoo to commemorate the experience.)

Diesel is a faithful adherent to his diet and exercise
program. Well, he's faithful with the exercise part of
it anyway. He would cheat on the diet if he could,
but I control his food intake. 
Anyway, if you've missed recent posts because they didn't appear on Facebook, go to the blog site, and scroll down or look in the archives. Many thanks to my friend Tricia who visited me in jail and posted the jailhouse blog posts on her own page this past week.

Here's news from some dogs you may not have heard about for a while, and some that you have.

This is the result of Diesel's program. He's lost
10 pounds from where he started. He's more
agile and has more energy now.

That's Sparky curled up next to Maya on a bed that is not
big enough for both of them. She grumbles about it but
tolerates it. Sparky is doing well.

This is not a great picture, but it's Mercedes
in her new home. She's been there for several
weeks now, but I just finally got the paperwork
together and formalized the adoption this week.

TJ is still doing well too. Like Trooper and
Sparky he's slowing down some now.
TJ is still a good looking dog. We
should all age so well.
Theo on the trail today with Smokey.
This picture is exactly what I wanted to see.
Theo can drive me crazy at times, but I've got
a new respect and appreciation for this dog.
Theo is the role model that Smokey needs. They spent the day
together and then hiked three miles together. It wasn't perfect,
there were some rough moments, but it was another step forward.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

I love all the pictures and the pupdates. But the last picture where Smokey is looking back at you- just melts my heart. I feel like he is so happy and content with his new mentor Theo!