Saturday, January 5, 2019

Morning vet with Serena, Mila's first walk in the afternoon

Angel got spayed yesterday and she's still not feeling well. It's leftover effects from the anesthesia, I expect, and it's taking longer for her to get over it. That's another reason she should have been spayed years ago. She's got an empty stomach but she's been vomiting up the water she drinks. I tried getting some famotidine and the pain pills into her, but she just vomits it up, so I'm going to wait and see how she is tomorrow. Aside from the nausea she acts normal and seems all right, so I'm going to just give it a little more time. I feel bad for her though.
When you take Serena someplace new you
spend a lot of time holding her big head.

I didn't take Angel to the vet today but I did take Serena. She's still limping and it doesn't seem to be getting better. Besides, she hadn't yet been to our vet and they didn't have her records in their system. The vet recommended upping the dosage of the pain reliever I was giving her, and restricting her outdoor activity to leash walking. I had been letting her out on her own, and I know she was still running and bouncing around, which certainly wouldn't help any injury to heal. So it's leash walks for Sweet Serena now for her outdoor business. She had only had a heartworm test done so I had them do the more complete test that covers tick-borne diseases and sure enough she turned up positive for Lyme. It may not be necessary, but we are doing the month-long treatment with doxycycline because she's my girl.

She was nervous and her tail was tucked but
she was good with everyone and she does
seem to enjoy people telling how pretty she is.
It was Serena's first outing in her new
leather collar. 

She avoids bearing weight on that right front
leg as much as possible.
She found the treat container on her own.

When we got back home I took Maya, Theo, and Diesel out for a walk. Theo has been getting kind of a raw deal, along with Max. I put them out in the dog yard during the day, they run around in the mud, and then are too dirty and disgusting to come inside at night. If I let them in at all, I shut them in the shed for a few hours in the evening to dry off, and then keep them confined to the kitchen area. The dried mud falls off them overnight. They go outside the next day and get filthy again. Max doesn't really seem to mind, but Theo looks hurt that I won't let him come upstairs, so I included him on today's walk even though he gets plenty of outdoor exercise anyway.
Diesel and Theo

I need to get Diesel on a scale to check his weight
again. I'm sure he's lost some more.

I can't take Serena out on hikes now, so for a second walk I took Maya, Coco, and the puppy, Mila. I don't have much trouble walking three dogs, but it's a different story when one is a puppy. I really made me appreciate how calm, settled, and well behaved Maya is on walks. Maya wanted nothing to do with the puppy, of course, so she just fell into her position of walking directly behind me or just to my side. Mila even made Coco seem like a well-trained dog and Coco is usually the wild one on our walks. But Mila had a good time and I got a few good pictures of her at least.

I can't tell you how much I appreciated Maya
being so easy on the leash today.
There's nothing like a puppy to make you
appreciate your adult dog.

Coco has been puppy sitter all day since Angel is out of sorts.

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