Thursday, January 10, 2019

Solid ground

Diesel is still carrying some extra weight on short legs, but
he keeps up without any problem.
We were down to about an inch of mud. The grassy areas no longer sloshed when you walked on them. The ground is still saturated but the excess has most run off, soaked in, or evaporated. And last night we had a pretty hard freeze, resulting in solid ground on Thursday. Friday should be the same, maybe even a little better.

Maya and Coco going over a log.
The sun was shining so there was no reason not to get out for a hike. Even better, the wind and cold air kept most other people away. We had the trails, and most of the entire park, to ourselves Thursday afternoon.

I'm still trying to keep Serena quiet so her leg can heal. Angel and Mila are still less than a week past their surgeries, although you'd never know it. Eliminating those three left me with Maya, Diesel, and Coco for our pack hike today.

We were able to walk portions of the trails that we hadn't been on in many months, due to summer ticks and autumn/winter mud. The chilly temperature kept us moving. It was just three miles but I think we all worked at it harder than usual.

Walking three dogs isn't a problem unless one
of them is a puppy.

This group was pretty determined to walk today.

Diesel and Coco weren't too sure about the water crossings
but they followed Maya.

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