Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Trooper Dogs

This is "the girl." She's the most vocal, most
out-going, most everything. She will need
someone who can handle a female shepherd.
Everyone seems to be settling in pretty well. The shepherds are quiet at night, thank goodness, and they seem happy.

This pretty boy is one of two that we can't
really tell apart so we are calling them
"the twins." They have classic shepherd looks
and markings, small but very attractive.
Speaking of settling in, Romeo latched on to his new dad as soon as I left. He's taking a little longer to adopt his new mom, but he has jumped into her lap so I'd say they are making very good progress.

Here are some pictures I took of the four Troopers during evening feed. They all seem very happy and why wouldn't they be? It's a great time of year to be a dog with a nice outdoor space, green grass, plenty of water, shade, and food that comes twice a day. They know nothing of toys, but they have each other as playmates. They may be happy, and they are, but they need to move on to the next step soon, getting into a foster home where they can learn the finer points of dogging among humans.

One of the twins eating.
If they ate at all in their former home, they
ate together so they have no problems sharing
food bowls. We put out five for four dogs.
They have very short attention spans so eating
is often done in short spurts.

The girl is front left, the twins are the two on the right, the one in the center is "Lefty."

Lefty has a black stripe that runs down his front left leg and
he also has black toes. He is the most shy of the four.

That's Bruno (Doggie Daddy) on the left. You can see that
errant patch of light colored fur sticking out below his eye.

One of the twins, very pretty look.

That's the girl doing the meerkat imitation. She watches everything, reacts to everything, and
has something to say about everything.

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