Sunday, May 31, 2020

My Happy Place

A day at home with only the dogs for company? Can't go any place except Lowe's, or do anything other than work in the yard? Bring it on. That is my happy place, at least on a beautiful day like today. Clear sky, low humidity, a nice breeze, and a high in the 70s, it just doesn't get any better than that. If you could forget the oppressive heat and tropical humidity we had just two days ago, you could almost forget this was Virginia. 

These days are rare although there is one more on tap for tomorrow. Tomorrow is a work day so I made the most of it today. 

Nothing really remarkable was done except I worked over one of the old metal gliders that was rusting. Got it prepped and primed and almost ready for a new coat of paint. I worked here and there around the yard and garden, did a little mowing, sat on the front porch, a lot, and listened to music. Stuff got done. Important stuff.
Serena, stretching her legs.
Found this little bird's nest when I was clearing
out Virginia Creeper under the butterfly bush.

Theo drinking from one of my fountains.

I've had this little fountain for over 20 years.
It's just been non-functional yard art in recent
years, but I looked at it and decided there was
no reason it couldn't work again, and it did.
This is my shade garden getting its early morning direct sun. It doesn't last too long
here and that's perfect for these plants.

See the concrete water bowl just behind Serena's head?
I added water dishes for the dogs so they wouldn't need to
drink from my fountains, but they still do.
Tuberous begonias are so pretty, I sometimes
wonder why I plant anything else.

The front porch is my center of operations for
most of my recent outdoor work, so the dogs
join me there quite often.

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