Friday, November 27, 2020

Sam(antha) and Koa

It was back in May, 2011 that I took in Koa along with his brother, Ranger. My mother had just arrived in town, and we made a visit to Montpelier, in Orange County, and then picked up Koa and Ranger from the Orange county shelter. I didn't really remember that until looking back in my blog, but I know that I have taken my mother, as well as Clay's mother, and several other people along with me when picking up or adopting out dogs. My sister Paula went to an adoption event with me once. It's not that I've intentionally involved them in this, but if you visit me often enough, it's bound to happen. That may be why I get so few visitors.

My first adoption of Koa was a dismal failure but taught me a valuable lesson, which was to not adopt a dog to any man who wants or needs a shepherd to bolster his male ego. (Ask any shepherd rescuer, it's a common problem and I'd bet that it's true for any other perceived "macho" breed of dog.) The dog was returned in less than 48 hours after which I found some serious shepherd people to adopt Koa down in Roanoke. I heard from those folks again shortly after my first posting of Sam. Koa is still with them, but is older now, and they were interested in the young girl. So Sam and I made the trip to Roanoke today and I made the return trip by myself. 

I sent Erika a text on the way home telling her that it was "done." She asked if they liked her and I just laughed. She was a barky, jumpy, obnoxious, little shepherd bitch. They were serious shepherd people, of course they loved her. Koa is reserving judgment for now, but I expect he will come around.

This is Koa today. Still a handsome dog.

They have a huge fenced back yard. Sam quickly found a stick to carry.
A completely inappropriate, over-sized stick, but it was the one she wanted.

This is Koa in his cozy corner spot in the house where he can observe all household activity.

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