Friday, December 4, 2020

A whole lotta dog: Winston and Chase

It started Wednesday evening. Green Dogs was intaking two Great Danes on an emergency basis. The owner had died and the two dogs had been left on their own for maybe a week or two. Information was sketchy, but the dogs were coming so I went over to meet them and bring them home. 

It was early evening I guess, but it might have been the middle of the night because the sun was down and the moon wasn't up yet, so it was pitch black outside. They are both boys, Chance and Winston, said to be about four years old, presumably brothers but I don't know that for sure. Winston had some infected wounds on his face so he was taken to the emergency vet where he spent the night. I brought Chase home and got him installed in one of the giant Dane crates in my office. Chase didn't go in the crate willingly, but once I shoved him in there he laid down and spent the night without any problem. 

Thursday morning I went to town and picked up Winston from the vet along with a bag of medicines. I shoved him into the second Dane crate in my office, thereby displacing both Della and Serena, which was met with some concerned looks. When Clay got home we took the two new boys out to the front yard for some pictures and then put them out in Daneland with Journey for a little fresh air and exercise. 

They were fine with Journey, who tried to get them to play. There was a little hesitation about eating the food I provided, but not much since they had been without food for some time. It appeared that water had also been a scarce commodity. Chase (the harlequin) is quite thin, at least 20 pounds underweight. Winston (the mantle color pattern) must have been getting whatever food they could find because he doesn't look bad. 

Both boys are unneutered but seem to be pretty well socialized both with other dogs and with people. Given the stark difference in their body condition, I'd say that Winston is the more dominant of the pair and that Chase might be better off if they were adopted out separately. 

Chase is the harlequin Dane in front. Winston is the mantle in the back. You can see some
of the swelling on Winston's face but it looks better already.

That's Arby checking out Winston from behind and below.

I guess Winston is a bit underweight too, but not nearly as much as Chase.

Chase, looking at me suspiciously.


Chase has one brown eye (his left) and one blue eye.

This shows Chase's blue right eye.

I stood between them while they ate, but they really didn't have any issues.

These boys make Journey look small.

But Journey wanted to play with them and he did.

I sat out there and watched them for a while this morning.
Winston repeatedly walked up to me to say hello.


Anonymous said...

Oh my, it will be a happy Christmas for two lucky boys.

Byron's Mom said...

Thank God these boys are with you!