Tuesday, December 29, 2020

More miles, less drama

 So, yesterday's blog post may have been a little over dramatic in its portrayal of my pain and suffering. I was exhausted when I wrote it  This morning I actually felt pretty good even without taking anything the night before. I didn't take Dasher and Malia out for another hike, but I did take Maya and Theo on a hike this afternoon. 

My choice of those two wasn't just a matter of chance. They are the easiest duo to walk of any that we have around here. I didn't want to pull or be pulled and with those two I rarely was. 

Theo is a sniffer and a marker when we walk. I don't put up with a stop at every tree so he had to figure out which stops were really important. Maya is not really like that, but she is when Theo is with us. He seems so serious about it, almost like he's undertaking a scientific survey, that Maya gets on board and joins him to stop, sniff, and mark that which must be marked. Maya normally just squats to pee, of course, but when she's marking something, or marking over Theo's mark, she always lifts her right leg as she's doing it.

I could generally get them off a mark with just a verbal command and Theo did do less of it on the last half of the walk. When I did need to give them a jerk or a pull with the leash, I could still feel the effects of yesterday's walk in my lower back. We went for four miles, almost twice as far as yesterday's walk because apparently I had something to prove. 

Theo's head was always down sniffing something when he stopped.
Made it tough to get good pictures.

This is Maya lifting her right rear leg to pee mark a spot.

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