Friday, August 13, 2021

Growth and development

The puppies are really getting chunky! They are putting away more and more food every day. They are getting stronger and more coordinated. The two dark faced pups, Boston Cream and Cruller, have had tipped ears until the last couple of days. Now their ears are up like the other four. 

Glaze can scramble over the wall but so far has only done it to get back inside when I've put them over on the other side so I can clean. But it's just a matter of days before they all can do so. This evening I removed the walls, opened up the space and gave them more room to run and play. And wow, did they ever take advantage of it. They had their most vigorous play time yet with more room to run. They run through the tunnel even while it's rolling back and forth, they climb on everything without hesitation, they play rough, growl, and bark.

They have definitely found their voices too. Looking and sounding more like husky mixes every day. 

Re-fueling station

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