Friday, August 5, 2022

The good, the bad, and the ugly

It's been a helluva week. The lack of blog posts isn't due to having nothing to say, there's been lots going on, but a very busy work week and no time to write about it. Two bits of "big" dog news. Bad news first.

I guess it was Wednesday on a mid-morning break, I walked out with Della, Maya, and Paisley. Max was probably out there too. Paisley was running around with a plastic squeaky toy in her mouth having a great time. She dropped it at some point and walked away. I was heading back indoors with Maya, who stopped to check out the toy. I went on in but immediately heard a fight break out. I ran back out to find Paisley on her back with Della and Maya both going at her. It took some doing to get them to disengage. Paisley jumped right up but she's missing a piece of skin about 2"x3".

Erika made a call and I ran her into town to see a vet. There was really nothing to do for the wound other than antibiotics and pain killers and that's what we are doing. I got her home and cleaned her up and she's on crate rest for a while, and I'm keeping her separated from the others for the most part although I don't really expect a repeat in the absence of that toy or something similar. I expect Paisley started it. I had seen her be a bit assertive and snippy with other dogs, but she had never messed with the girls. Maya is sweet, but she's got a fuck-around-and-find-out attitude. She's the one who took the chunk of skin from Paisley. Della was quick to jump to her aid. 

So that wasn't fun and now Paisley is unadoptable for a while although no one was beating down my door to adopt her even before this  happened. It's ugly, but it's not infected and it will heal. I'll spare you the pics.

Let's see, what was next. I guess it was the arrival of Olivia (Livvy), but that was actually on Tuesday, the day before. Livvy and Odie have been together out in Daneland and that is actually going pretty well. They come in at night to the crates in the kitchen. Paisley uses one of them during the day but I take her up to the office at night. I tried Odie and Livvy in the dog yard one day to give them a change of scenery, but Livvy is so small and light that she got out of there almost as soon as I put her in. So it was back to Daneland with them both.

This was the week that we were due to get some beagle puppies from the 4,000 that were sprung from that medical research facility. However, the day before that happened Green Dogs took in two female English Setters and immediately discovered that they were both lactating. One of them came here, Charlotte, but she was very unhappy being separated from her "sister." Yesterday evening I went out to the puppy palace where I had her set up ready for whelping. I sat and watched a movie with her. She was quite intrigued by the television. 

Today both the setters went to a vet who did an ultrasound and didn't find any puppies. Chances are they both had litters recently, however. They had been found together as strays so what happened is anybody's guess. Clay picked them up from the vet this afternoon and brought them both home. Charlotte and Lilibet are both very happy to be together again. I sort of suspect that they are mother (Charlotte) and daughter (Lilibet) rather than siblings, but who knows.  

Green Dogs did get some of the beagles, including a litter of four week old puppies with their mom. They are in another foster home and that is a good thing because I really don't have time to devote to a litter of puppies right now. With the two setters, Odie, Livvy, and of course Paisley, we've got five foster dogs and that is plenty.

That's it. Adoptions are slow for everyone right now it seems. I hope to get these guys placed in the next month or two so I can start doing some weekend camping trips with Maya in the fall.

Charlotte (left) and Lilibet (right)


She likes looking out the window.

Della meeting Lilibet before she came out of the van.

Lilibet, happy to be reunited with Charlotte

1 comment:

Mai said...

I miss Lilabet already, but I'm so glad they're back together ❤️