Monday, August 22, 2022


Adelaide of Italy was crowned as Holy Roman Empress, sharing power with her husband Otto. She was the first empress to have the status as the co-bearer of royalty and her status as the heir to the Italian throne leant legitimacy to her husband Otto's claim. I knew none of this before reading Wikipedia after choosing the name Adelaide for the new Saint Bernard just because I liked the name.

Adelaide's first day with her new name was a wet one. Although no rain was forecast, we had a heavy shower late morning and then a terrific thunderstorm this evening. We are back to standing water all over the yard and I'm sloshing around in my muck boots any time I step off the boardwalk. These pictures were taken this evening when the rain was finally all over.

Some day the sun will shine again and I'll get some daylight pictures of Adelaide, I hope.

Only the plants hold still long enough for a decent picture in dim light.

The garden is definitely past it's prime but some things continue to thrive.

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