Kinley & Kash
Late morning I took Kinley and Kash up to Pleasant Grove and did the regular two mile walk on the road based on the assumption that the trails are muddy from recent rain. The sun was out more than predicted today and it was chilly but actually pretty nice walking weather.
There were a number of people and dogs out today. As soon as we started out Kinley spotted a dog and started acting the fool. I had neither the strength or the patience for that bulllshit. We hadn't gone far so I turned around and went back to the van and put her Gentle Leader on. What a difference! Not only did it stop her pulling, but it also stopped her from even reacting to seeing other dogs. She walked perfectly next to me for the entire route. An added bonus was the fact that because she didn't react to every dog or person we saw, the puppy Kash didn't do so either.
Kinley & Kash sounds like the name of a law firm or something, doesn't it? They are great together. Kinley is very tolerant of him and actually engages in puppy play with him whereas the other dogs around here are just annoyed by him.
Here they are playing together up in the office. Della doesn't approve of indoor play
so I had to put these two out in Daneland this afternoon.
Maya & Della
Late in the afternoon I went out again, walking the same route, but this time with Maya and Della. I hadn't taken Maya out for a walk in quite a while. She's pretty content to spend most of her time on the bed underneath my desk, but she gets annoyed when I'm not sitting there with her. I need to make a vet appointment for Maya this week. She's due for some stuff but mostly I'd like a general assessment of her health.
Maya is showing her age these days, but as long as her tail looks like this when we are out walking I know what she's interested, engaged, and glad to be along.
This is as close as I can come to getting a picture of the three of us walking together.