Tuesday, November 15, 2022

A day of new fosters

I took in a black shepherd pup for Green Dogs named Sioux, although the prior foster was calling him Little Bear and I think that fits him well. He does look like a little black bear cub, which I've always wanted to have. He's cute and sweet and he climbed up onto my kitchen counter via a bench and proceeded to walk about like he belonged there. I think he and Twizzler will be good for each other. He's taken one of the crates in the kitchen and Twizzler and Twix are sharing the bigger one. I don't really have any good pics of him yet because the day was so lousy (cold and raining), and his arrival was shortly followed up by another. Here's the boy named Sioux, a/k/a Little Bear.

Big feet, long tail. Here's Sioux meeting Elvis.

Paisley is actually pretty good meeting new dogs. 
It's once she gets to know them that she does the fly-by nip on the butt.

A couple of days ago I got a call from a friend with Dogs Deserve Better Blue Ridge. They had been made aware of a female shepherd kept outside on a chain who had a litter of puppies. They had only a plastic barrel as a shelter. DDB was looking for someone to give them even temporary shelter to get them out of the cold. The mother dog was said to be very sweet and friendly. There's no way I could say no to that. They found a volunteer to drive down and get them today and they arrived about the middle of the afternoon.

Clay helped me get the puppy shed ready. I've still got more cleaning to do, but their space is clean and there's heat, a bed, food, and water. They seemed very happy to have all the above. It's not ideal, but compared to living outdoors without shelter in the cold and this rain, this place is a nice upgrade. It will make it a lot easier on her to take care of them. 


Anonymous said...

AWWW....more puppies. Dog bless you both.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Brent.....Thank you for rescuing that dear momma and her beautiful babies. All that you do is greatly appreciated.