Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Walks with Jericho and Paisley

Wednesday was less humid so it was decent enough in the early morning and evening to get out for a walk. 

I did a little over two miles with Jericho up at Pleasant Grove in the morning. The Fluvanna County fair was starting on Wednesday, however, so I didn't want to go back up there for the evening walk. I loaded up Paisley for the evening walk and had Clay drop us off about two miles on down the road from our house. Paisley and I walked back. I was pretty nice walking until we encountered the neighbors' three dogs off leash when we were just about back home. No major problem, we just kept walking, but I was glad I had Paisley rather than Della with me for that encounter.

Both dogs walked with me very nicely on an easy-walk harness.

I've got to get back to walking more again. I'm eating too much and not doing enough to burn it off lately. 

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