Monday, August 7, 2023

Monday pictures

A few random pictures from today.

Candace is doing very well here now. I think she has regained about as much weight as she needs so I've cut back to a twice daily feeding. She still gets some canned food and warm water with the dry, and some pain pills but she's moving much better now I think. She has her bed in the hallway and her preferred bed in the front room when Clay is home.

Elvis and Rocket

Rocket is with us until Sunday when his owners return. This was the puppy Merlot that we had last summer with the motherless litter of pups we took in from Dogs Deserve Better Blue Ridge. The owners wouldn't agree to give up the mom, but they surrendered the puppies and the probable daddy, Kilo. Kilo was a great dog and Rocket is too.

Elvis has been a butthead lately, obsessed with hunting at night and difficult to get inside.

Star was really enjoying Gina's company, but she is making the transition to Rocket pretty well. She is a completely different dog than she was two weeks ago.

I have finally heard Star vocalizing a bit. Sometimes I'm not sure if it's her or Rocket, but I have seen her vocalizing a couple times today, probably because I haven't taken her out with the puppies today. I need to get her to stop nursing.

Della and Rocket

Look how long those legs are! I don't know that I can trust him in the four foot dog yard fence, so he's staying mostly indoors for now. He's taller than Kilo.

Picture taken at night after rain, using a flashlight.

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