Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Big sister/little sister

There's been a certain sameness to the days since the storm. It's been cloudy and cool from dawn to dusk. We still haven't seen the sun. Everything is still wet and I haven't felt like doing any yard work, but it's good enough weather for walking. I did three separate two-mile hikes on Sunday, one on Monday, and two today. I do the same route every time, but changing dogs keeps me from getting bored. The puppy makes it fun too. She doesn't seem to care that we go the same route every time; she still finds plenty of sights, sounds, and smells to keep her interested and watching her keeps me entertained.

Della is being a very good big sister to little Bailey.

I removed the collar that she came with because it was at its maximum size and was getting tight.
I have Green Dogs martingale collar on her now, but I use Maya's harness for walking.

Sherlock and Mitch are still inhabiting Daneland. 
I see them sharing a bed in the Puppy Palace at night.

Mitch enjoyed our hike the other day, but he was not a good role model for Bailey
in terms of his leash manners.

This isn't a great picture of Maya but I haven't gotten any lately even though she's closest to me at all
times. She is still occupying the spot between my legs under my desk during the day
and right next to my side of the bed at night.

I haven't had any pictures of Candace lately either.
She's still doing well.

Candace has fully regained all the weight she needs now.
The carprofen has made her more mobile too.
She goes out and wanders around the yard two or three times a day.


Della and Bailey Tuesday morning.
There's a big sister/little sister thing going on.

Paisley enjoyed a walk with the puppy Bailey Tuesday afternoon.

This is a fine profile.
I love the black on her neck that comes up to a point at the bottom of the ear.

I don't know how to get Paisley's nose to heal up. I haven't crated her in months, I think that's how she would scratch it up. As it scabs and tries to heal, she scrapes it raw again.

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