Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Dodger and pals

Dodger has been here for a few days now and nothing terrible has happened to him, so he's finally beginning to relax a bit. He's been fine with all the other dogs since he first arrived, but now he's finally beginning to be less fearful of me. We're not best friends yet, but he will come up and touch me sometimes and I've had less trouble getting him inside at night. I've still got him wearing a harness and trailing a leash around so I don't have to grab him when I need to bring him in. He's very shy about being touched and wary of sudden movements by a nearby person. 

Here are some pictures I took of Dodger playing with Elvis, Bailey, and Sherlock today. Mitch was out there too but he doesn't seem to have shown up in any of these pictures. He does make an appearance in a couple of the videos. Paisley can be seen in a couple videos running along outside the Daneland fence. She just doesn't play well with others. You may also see a black and white spot on the grass in the background of some of the pictures. That's Della. She was outside with us too, but she's just not interested in small dog play.

Dodger, Bailey, Elvis, and Sherlock



Bailey and Dodger

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